Ontario’s nonprofit sector is a significant job creator, a strong enabler of volunteer engagement, and a critical program and service delivery partner to the government. Employing over 844,000 workers[1] in Ontario and contributing $65 billion to the economy, Ontario’s nonprofit...
In the midst of COVID’s sixth wave, Canada’s nonprofit sector continues to struggle with uncertainty and increased demand on services. While we don’t have exact percentages on how many volunteer engagement (VE) professionals (often referred to as Managers or Coordinators...
On a cold day in March 2020, the Transition House Coalition of Northumberland was providing emergency shelter for 24 people, two more than they had beds for. The next day COVID-19 restrictions forced them to shut down, leaving two dozen people with nowhere...
Is it better to express thanks to someone in person, in video, or text? Many people may have a belief that thanking someone in-person is ideally the best way. However, with the past two years being predominantly a virtual work...
Your people are working hard. Times are challenging. And they are digging in and producing good work. You want to acknowledge this and thank them for their efforts. Specifically, you want to thank them individually for more impact. But you...
When was the last time someone said thank you at work? When have you last expressed thanks to someone else? How did it land? Was it meaningful? Or did it feel awkward? Expressing meaningful appreciation and acknowledgement can drive engagement,...
Volunteers! We can't live (or operate) without them. Volunteers have a huge influence on our sector, with over two BILLION hours contributed in Canada in 2017. For small organizations in particular, volunteers are mission critical. But that doesn't mean managing...
Interested in learning more on this topic? We've partnered with Volunteer Canada for a free webinar exploring the value of volunteering in more detail. Join us on October 18! Is it important to demonstrate the value and impact of volunteering?...
As National Volunteer Week was celebrated a few months ago, many organizations made sure to thank their volunteers for all their support through parties, thank you letters, teas, tokens and other forms of appreciation. This type of formal appreciation does...
On July 20, Volunteer Canada and Investors Group will present a free webinar on the expanding landscape of volunteer recognition. While recognizing volunteers continues to be an important dimension of volunteer engagement, Volunteer Canada’s new research highlights that community involvement...