Saying goodbye: Exit interviews

Just as there are "introduction" processes volunteers and staff members go through, there should be processes for when individuals end or complete their volunteering. After an individual leaves, the agency should know why she or he left, and get some...

Volunteer recruitment brochures: How to tap into the marketing power of testimonials

When it comes to recruiting new volunteers, it's no secret that your current volunteers can be your most effective salespeople. They have, after all, experienced the benefits of volunteering at your organization first-hand. And when they began, they had the...

Supporting, recognizing and challenging volunteers

Supporting, recognizing, and challenging volunteers are all separate tasks, but together they provide a strong volunteer program with satisfied volunteers. This article will address these three issues separately, but keep in mind how they work together. Maintaining volunteers is one...

Team-building exercises

Team-building exercises are simply tools used to create solidarity in a group - to allow group members to know each other better, and to have a fun experience as a team. These exercises can be used in a variety of...

Policies and procedures for volunteer programs

Developing Policies and Procedures Policies are expectations, definitions, and courses of action agreed upon by an organization's governing members, such as the Board of Directors. Policies can be general (i.e. smoking is only allowed outside of the premises) or specific...

Volunteer placement, orientation and training

Volunteer placement Appropriate placement of individuals interested in volunteering benefits the agency and the volunteer. Volunteers placed in positions they are not interested in or not suited for may not enjoy their volunteer experience. If they have not been trained...

Methods of screening potential volunteers

Application Forms Application forms are an easy form of initial screening when recruiting new volunteers. Not only will you learn something about the background of an individual, but you may find out exactly what she is looking for in a...

Marketing and recruiting volunteers

While the needs of organizations will differ, the basic steps involved in volunteer recruitment remain essentially the same. Organization must be sure to: identify volunteer and agency needs; create clear volunteer job descriptions; define target volunteer groups; develop a timeline;...

Developing a volunteer program: Initial assessment

Designing and implementing a volunteer program from scratch is not easy but it can be a lot of fun. Similarly, revamping an existing program may be a somewhat stressful task, but with the understanding, input, and cooperation of all, it...

The wide gray lines – Managing volunteer boundaries

"Good Fences Make Good Neighbours" - Robert Frost "Mending Wall" The contemporary gurus tell us we have entered the Information Age. It might as readily be called the Age of Blurred Boundaries. In every realm boundary issues seem to be...