“Mandatory volunteering”: What’s in a name?

While "mandatory volunteering" is an oxymoron, it is a growing trend that is worth watching. The 2000 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (NSGVP) posed this question to volunteers: was one of your reasons for volunteering because you were...

Shifting views of retirement and the implications for volunteer-involving organizations

Will they or won't they? That is the $64,000 question. As baby boomers edge toward retirement, there is lots of speculation about how they will spend their retirement years. Baby boomers have done many things differently than the generations before...

Best practices for engaging youth as volunteers (part four)

In the first three parts of Best Practices for Engaging Youth, questions were posed under the title of 'Organizational Readiness'. This article focuses on key considerations related to youth opportunities and relationships. An organization needs to discuss, decide and plan...

Best practices for engaging youth as volunteers (part three)

This is the final look at best practices from the 'Be Organization Ready' perspective. These practices really lay the framework for other considerations and are questions that lie at the heart of good planning. Too often we jump into program...

Best practices for engaging youth as volunteers (part two)

Four key practices under Be Organization Ready were outlined in Part One. These included: examining your past history; how youth-friendly your organization is; saying NO until you are ready; and having an advocate or champion for youth initiatives in your...

Governance Q&A: Why organizations don’t always draw on the knowledge of their volunteers

I have been a volunteer at an agency for four years. In that time it has grown and I feel like a part of that and have particular insight where my volunteer function is concerned. Yet the organization does not...

Best practices for engaging youth as volunteers (part one)

Many people would not look upon working with 'youth' as a gift, especially adults with teenagers still living at home. I know many who would like to ship them out until they have matured and bring them back as adults!...

Volunteer recognition: Appreciating volunteers 52 weeks of the year

Picture this scene: a new principal at the school, with the best of intentions, wants a big volunteer appreciation event to cap off the school year. Volunteers play a significant role in this elementary school, so instead of the understated...

Best practices for engaging youth as volunteers (part five)

This is the final in a series of articles on best practices for engaging youth. The first four covered questions to consider under the headings of 'Organizational Readiness' and 'Youth Opportunities and Relationships'. You are now ready to look at...

Spring cleaning: Revamp! Refurbish! and Renew! Your volunteer program

Are there ideas, objects, or even people weighing down your volunteer program? "Spring Cleaning" is a great excuse for dealing with some of these issues. Take a good look around you. You probably see at least one thing that needs...