How to stand out in a crowd: Notes from a former fashion reporter on what big ticket charity events get coverage

Being a reporter at a major TV network for nearly a decade kept me on the receiving end of numerous charity invitations. As much as I wanted to give coverage to all these organizations, these charitable happenings were not always...

Organizing a Craft Fair

Much of this document is written from the point of view of a non-profit organization trying to do some fundraising. Any prices listed are in Canadian funds (CDN$ = $0.65 to $0.70 US$) and are used for example only. Securing...

Watching the news

Want to get to know how a reporter thinks? Try analyzing your friendly local newscast. On a recent trip to Los Angeles to conduct media training for a client, I scrutinized the local news. With all the bells and whistles...

Piggybacking: One way to get media attention

At first glance, the work of non-profits and the goals of the mainstream news media seem to be fundamentally opposed. Non-profit groups focus on the most compelling social and environmental issues of our day. Our issues are long-term and complex....

Now, about that press release

Put yourself in the position of a television newsroom's assignment editor. You get to work at 7:30 in the morning. While getting ready for your meeting with the news director, producers and reporters, the police radios are blasting in your...

The personal touch

When you call reporters to make your pitch, you are likely to hear a recording that sounds something like this, "Please e-mail or fax your pitch. I will then take a look at it and if I'm interested, I will...

Relationship-Building in the Networked Age: Some implications of the Internet for Non-profit Organizations

Relationship-Building in the Networked Age: Some implications of the Internet for Non-profit Organizations By Doug Jamieson This article appeared in "The Philanthropist", January, 2000, Vol. 15, No. 2 Fundraising has always been about relationship-building, whether it's with single donors, volunteers,...