The tipping point of online communications

Change is a culmination of incremental, sometimes almost unnoticeable, movement. We identify change often by its outcomes or results. I propose that change is more of a process than an outcome. If we embrace this proposition, it opens up a...

Through the volunteers’ eyes: What volunteers want nonprofits to know about effectively involving them

Happy National Volunteer Week! This week, events will be held across Canada to celebrate the contributions of countless volunteers. In the midst of the festivities, let's pause for a quieter, more reflective way to recognize our listening to them...

Thinking from the “outside” in

I'm sure you've heard the popular line, "Enough about me. So, what you do think about me?" No doubt, it is one of the quintessential self-centred lines of our time. How many of us have been in conversation with someone...

So, what’s your story?

One of my favourite quotes, and one that I use often to illustrate the power of story, is from Andy Goodman's work Storytelling as Best Practice. "Even if you have reams of evidence on your side, remember: numbers numb, jargon...

Does Your Association Need More Members? Try an Affiliate Strategy

The key to growth for many associations and nonprofits is the growth of their membership. Each year the membership grows but also there can be a drop due to attrition, making it even more important to attract new members. The...

Nonprofit Balancing Act: How to project the right image and fulfill donor expectations

There was a time when all a nonprofit needed was a cause, a simple campaign, some volunteers, a desk - and a lot of passion. Limited resources didn't necessarily impede an organization from reaching its target audience, promoting its mission...

Nonprofit Election Advocacy: Raising voices to raise awareness

You may have already seen them, those lumbering juggernauts of the Canadian political jungle. They rumble through your community in buses and car convoys advertising "Paul Martin's Liberals" or "Harper All The Way!" Yes, the 2006 election campaign has begun...