Human Resources Q&A: Who reports to the board?

I just returned from a job interview for the position of CEO of a nonprofit organization. In their strategic plan, they indicated that they were going to hire a full-time fund development manager to handle all development areas, and that...

Ten things to keep in mind with difficult board members

Last month, we spoke about the different types of people that can cause conflicts on the board. This month, we are going to talk about the ten things you need to keep in mind when you encounter one of these...

Governance Q&A: Responding to CSR inquiries from grantors

The company I approached for a grant this week asked for information to confirm that my charity operated in accordance with corporate socially responsibility. We exist for public benefit and are not a corporation in that sense, though we are...

The Summit: Discussion, debate and deliverables

On May 27, 2008, Canada’s nonprofit sector descended upon Toronto’s Metro Convention Centre for an unprecedented one-day event. With the tagline, “advancing the sector, an action plan,” The Summit was the first of its kind in the country. Organized by...

Understanding appreciative inquiry: Is the glass half empty or half full?

If you feel like you are bombarded with challenges, barriers, problems, and other energy-draining negatives, you're probably in just the right head space to learn more about appreciative inquiry. David Cooperrider and his colleagues at Case Western Reserve University developed...

Trying to be all things to all members

The American Society of Association Executives’ (ASAE) most recent environmental scanning project generated Mapping the Future of Your Association (PDF) – a book describing eight super trends affecting not-for-profit organizations. The super trends are: 1. Demassification. Break-up of the mass...

Canadian charity legal checklist

This checklist may be of use to those considering joining a board of a charity. As well, it may be useful to staff and the board of charities who are interested in improving their legal compliance and improving their risk...

Valuing vendors: How to optimize your relationships

When international development organization, Plan Canada, recently decided to change their name, they also underwent a number of other self-assessments and transitions. But it wasn’t necessarily a dissatisfaction with the status quo that spurned on these evaluations. Simply put: they...

Canada’s voluntary sector: Grooming from within and without

Late last year, Imagine Canada, one of the nation’s prominent voluntary sector think tanks, released the following document -- Leadership Perspectives: Interviews with leaders of Canada’s charities and nonprofit organizations. The document surveyed 32 sector leaders across numerous sub-sectors on...

How do you deal with a difficult board member?

Most nonprofit board members will tell you that at one point they had the misfortune of sitting on the board with a difficult person, someone who dominates discussions, intimidates other board members, is argumentative, shows up late, makes promises that...