Legal checklist for 2010

Are you prepared to meet all your legal requirements in 2010? Find out the top three things you should be aware of for 2010, as well as other factors such as insurance, employment agreements, privacy policies. Additionally, this podcast covers...

Five key elements of the succession planning process

Succession planning is not about replacing an existing employee. The purpose is to prepare the organization and develop its "bench strength" for future organizational requirements. There are five elements to managing a succession process. 1. Identifying key positions for which...

Governance Q&A: The underperforming virtual employee

When I took a new executive director job, I inherited an employee who maintains our online presence, part-time, and has done so for many years. She works virtually (from hundreds of miles away), has no phone and doesn’t answer my...

Umbrella groups

Are you thinking of starting or joining an umbrella group that oversees other organizations? If so, it's vital that you understand all the legal ramifications, including charitable status, following provincial and federal regulations, disbursement quotas, and basic terminology. Umbrella groups...

Sunny and share: The pros and cons of shared workspaces

From infancy onward, we are taught the value and correctness of sharing. Partaking in playtime with peers while allotting toys to friends is one of the fundamental lessons in life's early learning stages. So it's no surprise, then, that over...

Governance Q&A: Doing good right

Why do you frequently tell those who write to you what to consider, and what questions to ask themselves, instead of just giving them the right ethical answer? Surely you have more experience than they. I've been hoping someone would...

Ready to handle the current environment?

In these volatile times, it is more important than ever to assure your board, management team, donors, and partners that the organization is positioned to handle the challenges of diminishing or flat revenues and increasing demand. They need to know...

Succession Planning: A foundation for nonprofits

Succession planning is a process, and to be successful the organization's chief staff officer and board leadership must prepare for succession planning before starting the actual process. Consider the four walls to a sturdy foundation. The four walls in the...

Mapping the sector, one charity at a time

One day Keith Seel had a revelation that proved transformative, inspiring the design of an initiative that would greatly impact his work as well the work of charities across Canada. Director of the Institute for Nonprofit Studies at Calgary's Mount...

Fundraising Q&A: Further clarification on the Canada Revenue Agency Guidance on Fundraising

I’m the sole fundraiser in a mid-sized organization. I’ve read the CRA Fundraising Guidance, their supporting document, Mark Blumberg’s materials, and attended the AFP webinar with Terry Carter and I’m still confused...can you help? First and foremost, you are doing...