How to design and evaluate your mentoring program

"Volumes have been written about how to design, administer, and evaluate a mentoring program, yet formal mentoring programs are not always successful and informal relationships may fail to meet their full potential" (Eshner and Murphy, 2011). Good mentorship program design...

Human Resources Q&A: Workplace wellness and emotional intelligence

In my workplace stress is a real issue. "Do more with less" has become the unspoken mantra, while organizational leaders are still touting the title of being "a great place to work". I and other managers are seeing our staff...

Is your organization ready for a mentorship program?

Determining internal capacity While potential benefits for an in-house mentorship program abound, implementing one requires a variety of internal resources. Structure needs to be in place, but even more so a culture of inquiry and learning is valuable. Potential structural...

Developing a mentoring program at your nonprofit

“Mentoring can contribute to employee motivation, job performance, and retention rates. However, other important benefits are often overlooked. These are related to the long-term health of the organization as a social system. One such contribution is that mentoring provides a...

The four pillars of HR governance

What is HR governance? The word governance has several definitions and meanings; however, in its simplest terms, it is the practices and processes that are put in place to help organizations achieve their goals ethically and in the best interest...

Women and work in the nonprofit sector

Many women were a-twitter when data released last month from the 2011 Canadian Nonprofit Sector Compensation and Benefits Survey showed men earning more than women in the top five out of six job levels. Although the pay gap reported was...

Human Resources Q&A: An inappropriate Facebook post

I was recently surfing Facebook and saw that a former staff's page not only implied they still worked at this organization, but wildly inflated their job title. What can the organization do? I am always surprised to hear that people...

Internships and the law: What you need to know

According to some observers, the vast majority of internships at nonprofits and elsewhere may well be illegal. "There is widespread mischaracterization of interns as persons receiving training," says Andrew Langille, a lawyer and blogger in Toronto who specializes in employment,...

Governance Q&A: Can staff be forced into shared service agreements?

Can my nonprofit make me serve another without my consent? I'm the human resources officer of a charity with 44 staff. My boss doesn't think that should be full time, and plans to contract with another charity, with 13 staff,...

It’s a fact: Happy staff are loyal staff

Editor's Note: Looking for current information on compensation in the Canadian nonprofit sector? Check out the 2013 Canadian Nonprofit Sector Salary & Benefits Study. When nonprofits and charities consider employee remuneration, limited revenues and smaller operating budgets often hamstring them....