RFM analysis can lower costs and increase response

This article originally appeared in Canadian FundRaiser The primary objective of relationship marketing is to increase the lifetime value of your donor base by increasing both the number of times and the amount that each donor gives to your organization....

Making a monthly pledge program work for you

An increasing number of charities have tested monthly pledge programs and proven them effective. If the nature of your organization fits the monthly pledge program concept - and most can - there are at least seven great reasons to act...

Building relationships with your donors

One of the most important concepts in direct marketing is the Life Time Value of the donor, or how much an individual donates before they stop supporting your organization. Your goal is to increase the number of times that a...

Sponsorship or charitable contribution — what’s in a name?

Sponsorship? Donation? Partnership? Corporate philanthropy? Does it really matter what we call it? The answer to the question is, "You bet it matters." And the reason is very straightforward: The failure to understand the nature of a particular type of...

Where do sponsorship consultants fit?

In Canada, there are perhaps 400 consultancies actively practicing in the area of sponsorship. Few, however, are exclusively occupied with sponsorship assignments. Most combine sponsorship skills with expertise in fundraising more generally, or with skills in corporate communications, public relations,...

Charities Using Retailing for Fundraising and Communications

While many charities are trying to find new and innovative ways to fundraise, one venue that seems to be quite successful for many not-for-profit organizations is storefronts. To supplement traditional fundraising methods, increasing numbers of nonprofits are offering their donor...

Magazine at heart of fundraising program

As the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals nears its 125th anniversary, a wealth of fundraising initiatives are underway to ensure that it continues its work of caring for abused and neglected animals. An umbrella organization representing...

Researching your opportunities — right from the beginning

Research plays a hefty role in the success of sponsorships. From simply staying on top of what's happening in the industry, to researching competitive sponsorship pricing - not-for-profit organizations that are serious about sponsorship know the value of digging and...

How to get a slice of the sponsorship pie

Corporate sponsorship of not-for-profit organizations and events is on the increase - in part because of the changing demands from consumers of the corporations they do business with. But also because of the growing marketing savvy of not-for-profit organizations. To...

Rules of etiquette for fundraising volunteers

Of course you have arranged your visit to a prospective donor or sponsor in a way that makes it welcome. Now, inside the door, there are a few rules you would be wise to follow if you want your organization,...