Fifteen ways to improve your online fundraising

According to a recent survey1, online giving in 2009 grew significantly more than other revenue generation activities. In 2010, more nonprofits will engage in online fundraising than ever before, and they expect it to be their largest net growth area....

Don’t think about your fundraising

This fall, don't think about your fundraising. Seriously. I hear you already. "But Jen, we raise most of our money in fall and early winter." "But, but Jen, we always do our donor acquisition in the fall." "But, but, but...

The hidden cost of free contest prizes

When our local radio station announced a $50,000 give-away for one lucky nonprofit, based on listener votes, the nonprofit community sprang into action. What do we have to lose, they asked? Well, there might actually be more to lose, and...

Fundraising Q&A: The relationship between the fundraising and strategic plan

Can you elaborate on last month's article and help me understand the relationship between the fundraising plan and strategic plan? In an article entitled "How Fundraising Flows from Strategic Planning" it states: "The key to raising money is control, which...

I pledge: Making the most by giving it away

Thanks to a philanthropic campaign led by two of the world's most financially blessed — Warren Buffet and Bill Gates — dozens of billionaires pledged recently to give at least half their fortunes to charity. According to estimates by Forbes...

Fundraising Q&A: 15 points for building your fundraising plan

In honour of Charity Village®’s anniversary celebrations, this month’s article will outline 15 points you should consider when developing your organization’s Fundraising Plan. Canada Revenue Agency’s Fundraising Guidance directs charities to fully disclose expenditures to revenue so you need to...

Benefits to corporate donors: Some musings

On a recent trip to New York City, my wife and I visited the Tenement Museum on Manhattan's Lower East Side. While the museum itself is fascinating, a sign at the admissions area was intriguing from a charity law perspective....

Leaving a bequest to a Canadian charity

Leaving a bequest/legacy to a charity in your will can be an excellent way of supporting a cause that you care for or leaving a lasting legacy. Unfortunately, many bequests are not handled correctly or professionally and this may create...

Fundraising Q&A: What makes a successful fundraising committee

What makes a successful fundraising committee? The simplest answer to your question is people who understand your organization’s priorities and enjoy asking for money! However, given those individuals are the exception and not the rule, let’s break it down specifically...

Business: The better way?

There's a bandwagon upon which many are jumping in the sector thanks to an ever growing belief that the market and all its magical accoutrements can unequivocally help organizations meet their diverse social challenges. This belief says that business can...