Benefits of a gift for endowment Benefits to the charity 1. Endowment funds provide financial stability Endowment funds provide a predictable stream of income. Providing a base upon which present programs can be built, and making long-range planning possible, endowment...
The handmaiden of planned giving programs Endowment funds are often referred to as the future lifeblood of any charity, and the handmaiden of a planned giving program. Providing for the long term financial success of the organization, they are also...
A successful major gifts fundraising campaign is not magic. It is a straightforward, concise process of executing well-defined components arranged in a step-by-step progression. I know this to be so because I have seen it done over and over again...
Life cycle Gifts of new life insurance policies are usually targeted at middle to upper income donors in the 40-55 age group. In this age group, it is common to have individuals who have not yet built their asset base,...
Back to Campaign Feasibility Studies: How should a feasibility study be conducted? (Questionnaire is in the hands of only the interviewer asking the questions and writing responses) Individual Interviewed: __________________________ Date: ______________ 1. How long have you lived in (Community)?___________________________...
Ten-year gifts to charities are becoming an important tool in charitable fund raising, both for charities and donors. They help charities by being exempt from the 80% disbursement requirement that applies to donations received in the previous year. They help...
Nowadays, planned gifts and major gifts job postings are often combined, and in fact there are fewer purely planned giving positions being created. More blended organizational structures and an increased focus on the needs and interests of individual donors, along...
The following article is an excerpt from Penelope Burk's new book "Thanks! A Guide to Donor-Centred Fundraising". In the book, Burk reveals the results of her National Study on Donor Communication and Recognition, an expansive look the fundraising practices of...
Gift planners have long recognized two closely-related factors as key obstacles to be overcome in broadening the donor base: despite the phenomenal growth in personal wealth over the past two decades, very few people preceive themselves as potential philanthropists and,...
This article appeared previously in Canadian FundRaiser "More individuals are interested in your cause than corporations." According to Dory Vanderhoof, you will on the whole be better off by developing an individual major gifts program than by going for sponsorship...