Do you find yourself reading the newspaper? Checking the weather before you leave the house? Or searching for a hot stock to invest in? Well, when you do these things, you’re looking at the trends around you. We’re entering a...
Why is donor retention important? Let's start with a simple example. A new organization with a strong mission has a crowdfunding campaign. With their social media savvy, the organization builds enthusiasm and raises a substantial amount of money for its...
Original Broadcast Date: November 17, 2022. Summary: Email marketing is an important communication channel for nonprofits. Whether you’re sending newsletters or fundraising appeals, you can personalize your messages and connect with donors via emails better than you can with traditional advertising....
For several years, charities have been struggling to find ways to capture the attention of younger generations. The need is more pressing as the “giving gap” – aging donors continuing to give at a much higher rate than younger generations...
You have likely heard the rumblings of what is set to be the largest wealth transfer in history. A 2014 study by a group of Boston College researchers predicted that, by 2061, $58 trillion would transfer from one generation to...
In this episode, we focus on the devastating impact COVID shutdowns and restrictions had on fundraising, how nonprofits pivoted and embraced new digital tools to transform their fundraising models in record speed. Join our host, CharityVillage President Mary Barroll, to...
Original Broadcast Date: September 23, 2021 Summary: Many staff members of small teams have the responsibility of wearing multiple hats within their organization. So how do we manage to adequately develop, and maintain relationships with donors with a lack of time and...
After witnessing the world spiral in the past few months (and seeing how far we must go to achieve social justice), I think we all can agree that there are no quick routes to work through the social injustices around...
Want to learn more about donor stewardship? We've partnered with the author to present a free webinar on September 23, Small Shop Stewardship: Tools for nonprofit staff, leaders, and board members. Click here for details and to register. Canada’s diversity Using...
Are you the one doing data-driven analysis for your team and organization? If you do research, analysis, and analytics at your org, this article is for you. I want to ask you – how do you ensure the research and...