CharityVillage Connects: Celebrating the 2024 CharityVillage Award Winners

Join us in celebrating the 2024 winners of the CharityVillage Awards! These winners were announced on November 20, 2024, at our annual conference, and now is your chance to hear more about their exceptional achievements. With winners in categories such...

Fundraising Q&A: Highlights from the Association of Fundraising Professional’s Congress

What were some highlights at the Association of Fundraising Professional’s Congress? Having just spent almost three days with several hundred of my colleagues, including some of the top international gurus, I thought this month's article was a good place to...

Fundraising Q&A: Re-engaging monthly donors

Last month we looked at how to renew lapsed donors and I said stay tuned for more information on how to re-engage monthly supporters. That said, these donors are less likely to lapse than annual donors and usually have contributed...

Fundraising Q&A: Reconnecting with lapsed donors

How do we reconnect with donors who have stopped giving? “Lapsed” donors, as they are often called, are one of your first lines of defence when realigning your fundraising efforts. They are individuals who have made a commitment to your...

Fundraising Q&A: Approaching small businesses for support

Thanks for last month's article on corporate investment; what do we do if our community is too small for corporations and we only have small businesses to approach? Step one is to always remember that individuals should be your first...

Fundraising Q&A: Strengthening corporate investment

What do you recommend to strengthen our charity's approach to corporations? Asking businesses for support is often the second default after "let's have a special event!" What you need to remember in your diversified fundraising plan is neither of these...

Fundraising Q&A: Helping your board to fundraise

Our board is very new to fundraising. What would you recommend to support their efforts? The board’s role in fundraising is one of my favourite topics, albeit an evolving one. Times are changing as the development profession matures but many...

Fundraising Q&A: Donor recognition and stewardship

We want to improve our donor recognition and stewardship programs. What would you recommend? Thanks for your question; you have chosen one of my favourite topics because it's an area that can make or break your fundraising efforts. I've often...

Fundraising Q&A: The benefits of monthly giving

Why should organizations should consider setting up a monthly giving program? Donors who opt for monthly giving demonstrate a strong commitment to their favourite causes. Not only do they provide regular, predictable income, they are the most likely constituents to...

Fundraising Q&A: When a donor turns down a major gift opportunity

A major gift prospect recently refused our request — what do you recommend we do now? It's always disheartening when a proposal is refused but I like to remind people that "gifts" cannot be taken for granted. Most of my...