The Call for Nominations is Now Open for Canada’s Volunteer Awards 2024 

The Canada’s Volunteer Awards (CVA) is accepting nominations until June 12, 2024. Now is your chance to recognize the impact that outstanding volunteers, not-for-profit organizations, social enterprises, and socially responsible businesses create in your communities. 

You can play a role in recognizing Canada’s volunteers! 

We all play a role in recognizing volunteers! By nominating an individual or an organization for Canada’s Volunteer Awards, you are helping to raise awareness of the vital role that volunteers play in strengthening communities across Canada.  

Do you know an individual or an organization making a difference in your community? Nominate them to receive an award and to recognize their significant contributions! 

If you need inspiration, check out the 2023 CVA recipients and learn about the significant impact they made in their communities through volunteering. Please visit to learn more about the Awards and to submit a nomination for a deserving volunteer. 

Canada’s Volunteer Awards is a comprehensive Volunteer Recognition Program 

In addition to receiving an award at a ceremony from the Government of Canada, Canada’s Volunteer Awards recipients:  

  • Choose a not-for-profit organization to receive a grant of $10,000 (national award) or $5,000 (regional awards) 
  • Participate in an exemplary practices forum where they can share best practices with other sector leaders. 
  • Become part of the Canada’s Volunteer Awards alumni community 

21 Canada’s Volunteer Awards Recipients are selected in five categories 

One national award 

The Thérèse Casgrain Lifelong Achievement Award for volunteers with twenty or more years serving their community 

Four regional awards across five regions: 

  • Emerging Leader for youth between the ages of 18 and 30.  
  • Community Leader for individual volunteers of all ages 
  • Business Leader for businesses or social enterprises that demonstrate corporate social responsibility 
  • Social Innovator for not-for-profit organizations, social enterprises, or registered charities 

Thank you for helping us recognize the incredible efforts of individuals and organizations who are making an impact in communities across the country. Please help us spread the word by sharing this message with your networks.  

Canada’s Volunteer Awards / Prix pour le bénévolat du Canada 

Questions? Please visit our website at  

Or contact CVA: 


Telephone: 1-877-825-0434